Friday, April 15, 2011



  1. I would love see you act sometime... in private.

  2. You just sound like a wounderful actress! I would love to see one of your performances. I have three kids as well...sometimes they would, oh how do you say interfear with my arts but as for you i see, looked past that!

  3. You seem like an amazing actress! Very bella e di talento [lovely and talented]! I would love to see you preform some time. Mainly I would love to see this famous role as Lady MacBeth. I do adore Shakespeare. Fino alla prossima volta [Till next time].

  4. Thank you all for being so gracious! i would love to perform for any of you anytime! I do say that my children were a bother but i do love them dearly! just as i am sure you did Faustina!
