Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Well of course this is my most renowned role. LadyMacbeth in Shakespeare's Macbeth.  On the left you can see a portrait of myself in my Lady Macbeth attire.

Our second artifact is a sketch of my beloved Bath Theatre. This theatre was where I spent some of my down time in the performing arts.

 Next we have a view of the Brecon, Wales mountains. Brecon, Wales was where I was born and spent a decent amount of my childhood. It is very dear to my heart, that is for sure.

 This artifact is a painting of the Drury Lane Theatre. This theatre is where I performed my lovely roles of both Lady Macbeth and Queen Catherine.

 This artifact is a portrait of myself in my later years, after my second child.

 This is your present London. Now I'm sure you have a variety of theatre's and many auditions. But back then-

 Ah this is what I remember. Starving artists clouding the streets begging for money just to make it through an audition. It was dirty and crowded, but now I see it is beautiful and clean.

This is one of many covers of the play Henry VIII which I was so fortunant to be apart of.

 This portrait is of me in my much younger days. I love the innocence that haunts my eyes!

 Our last artifact is of my all time favortie playwrite Mr. William Shakespeare.

"Mrs. Sarah Siddons." Web. 20 March 2011. <>.
"Portrait of Sarah Siddons." Web. 19 Mar 2011. <>.
"The Theatre Bath." Web. 21 Mar 2011. <>.
"The Drury Lane Theatre, London." Encyclopedic, Britannica. Web. 10 Mar 2011. <>.
"Brecon Wales." Web. 23 Mar 2011. <>.
"London." Web. 4 Mar 2011. <>.
"london." Web. 23 Mar 2011. <>.
"Shakespeare." Web. 23 Mar 2011. <>.


  1. Wow! We are both performers. I love the feeling of being on stage! Don't you?

  2. I really do! What kind of performer are you m'dear?

  3. Im an opera singer! You have probably heard of me or seen one of my many operas you just can't remember.

  4. oh i am sure that i have! my memory is terrible! i would never have passed up an opratunity to see such a beautiful opera singer!

  5. I suppose being on a stage would be very thrilling.

  6. Guten tag. Though i am not an actor or in the acting world, i appreciate your art and skill. You are also very beautiful i must say. Auf Wiedersehen.

  7. Actors allways amaze me! Being able to play so many different people and people they arent even like at all! this was very interesting!

  8. Ciao a tutti [Hello there] Sarah. It was fascinating reading your blog. You stated that your father, Roger Kemble, was an actor-manager who had his own traveling company. I was pondering, while you were an actress did you join his theater company? I can imagine he would of been thrilled to have such a talented actress for a daughter. In addition, the portrait of you from your younger days, I must say is exceptionally divine. I completly agree with you, innocence haunts your eyes. You must of been a very alluring young lady. Furthermore I must tell you, I adore Shakespeare. My favorite play was the Tempest, but I still very much relished MacBeth. It would please me greatly to see you preform your famous role of Lady MacBeth. Arrivederci [good bye], I must be on my way, till next time.
